Ithaca, NY

Current Financial Management

Understanding your current financial situation and addressing short-term goals helps you lay a stronger financial foundation right now. Some top areas Lake Road Advisors in Ithaca, NY help cover are:

Cash Flow

It’s simply money going in and out; however in reality, very few have a system or process to manage it. Do you know how much you spend per month? How much you invest per month? Should you be doing more to reach your goals quicker?

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As a Fee-Only Independent Firm in Ithaca, NY, we don’t sell any insurance, but we provide you an unbiased opinion to make sure you have the right insurance for your family. Do you have too much or too little life insurance? What about umbrella insurance? Renters insurance? Identity Theft Insurance?

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Balance Sheet

Do you know your net worth? Are your assets “working for you”? Do you have too much debt on your balance sheet? Am I diversified enough? Should I have more assets by now?

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Long-Term Plans

Preparing a strong foundation now is important for a secure financial future. Lake Road Advisors in Ithaca, NY can help you balance multiple goals and fulfill current needs while keeping an eye on significant moments ahead:

Retirement Planning

It still may seem far away, but you are probably now closer to the end of your career than the start. Do you have a plan? Are you investing enough to lead the life you want? What is the earliest you could be financially independent?

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Estate Planning

Often the most overlooked piece of your financial puzzle but arguably the most important. Is your family protected in case something happens to you? Who would take care of your kids? Who would handle the finances?

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College Planning

Have you started saving? Is it too late to start? What is the best investment vehicle for my child? Do I have enough saved? Will we get financial aid?

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Investing With Confidence

We often hear new clients worry that they’re not reaching their investment potential. Whether you’re just starting out with investing or want to refine your existing strategy, Lake Road Advisors in Ithaca, NY offer straightforward insights to help you maximize your investing power:

Investment Management

Are you investing properly for your goals and your risk tolerance? Are you investing enough of your income? How do I make my money work for me? Is real estate a smart investment?

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Tax-Sensitive Investing and Planning

Are you getting the most out of your tax return? Do you take into consideration how your investments (stocks, bonds, rentals, options, RSUs) provide income that can be taxed differently based on the source of the income or duration of how long you have held the asset? Our team in Ithaca, NY incorporates the tax implications of all your financial decisions.

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Why Lake Road Advisors?

At Lake Road Advisors in Ithaca, NY, we provide value in 3 ways:

Portfolio Value: Helping you design and manage investment portfolios; providing optimal portfolio construction, tax efficiency and withdrawal sequencing.

Planning Value: Improving your financial outcomes through financial planning; consistent savings and investing, managing debt, tax savings, college planning are just some of the ways we can help.

Personal Value: Too often financial decisions are driven by our feelings and fears rather than facts. Our fiduciary partnership provides you a guide along your financial journey. We can help reduce your risks, maximize your financial returns and achieve your goals by helping you navigate your life with greater clarity, confidence and peace of mind.